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"The Truth about Stacy, aka Shaft, aka Dymondchild ". You think you are the only one he is sleeping with, spending time with and telling you that he loves you??? I used too, until i found out the truth, I used to love him and trust him, until i found out about all of the girls he is messing around with right know also. Here are all the woman i found out about: Katrin 01510177650 040749456757 015158213549 09657242994 00447797806021 Manu 017228672808 Tina 01717093576 01757855826 017625653137 Conny 01759494814 Call this numbers and you will find out the truth, and go to the doctor and get checked for sexual disease., becaus this are not the only girls he is messing with: He is also fucking with a couple of girls that he met an www.adultfriendfinder.de his profile name is DYMONDCHILD.. This is what he is really doing when he tells you that he is out with his friends, working or out of town!!!!